Raspberry Pi
Eden od najbolj priljubljenih računalnikov Linux na svetu
Izkoristite prednost, ki jo prinaša Raspberry Pi s PiXtend® in Pi-Tron. Paleta izdelkov blagovne znamke PiXtend® obsega elektronske krmilnike na osnovi Raspberry Pi ter razširitvene plošče za digitalne in analogne vhode in izhode. Ti izdelki se uporabljajo v industrijskem okolju, zlasti v opremi in strojih. Pi-Tron CM3+ in Pi-Tron CM4 je primeren zlasti za komunikacijo, optimalno pa se dopolnjuje z izdelki PiXtend®.
- Dodelana platforma
Različne izvedbe CPU, dopolnjujoči moduli E/A in prikazovalniki v premišljeni kombinaciji za rešitve na področju krmiljenja in komunikacije.
- Kratek čas do začetka trženja
Izkoristite prednost hitrega prehoda s prototipa Raspberry Pi na serijski izdelek.
- Industrijski zagonski komplet
Z zagonskim kompletom lahko hitro ugotovite, ali izdelek Pi-Tron CM3+ skupaj z modulom Raspberry Pi Compute Modul ustreza zahtevam.
- Bogat nabor programske opreme (Software)
Za uporabo pripravljeni izdelki so na internetu na voljo za skoraj vsako vrsto uporabe.
- Video dokumentacija
Videoposnetki z navodili iz Raspberry Pi Community vsebujejo navodila za zagon, programiranje in implementacijo projekta.
- Manjši stroški za programsko opremo
Odprtokodna programska oprema (Software) iz Raspberry Pi Community zagotavlja, da je najnovejši Software vedno na voljo brez stroškov za licenco.
- Industrijski Raspberry Pi
Naši izdelki Raspberry Pi so primerni za industrijsko uporabo zaradi svojega koncepta hlajenja in robustnega ohišja iz nerjavnega jekla.

BL Pi-Tron CM5
Raspberry Pi Compute Module 5 for demanding applications
- Broadcom BCM2712,4x Arm® Cortex®-A76, 64-bit SoC @2.4 GHz
- Up to 8 GB LPDDR4-RAM
- Suitable for CODESYS® SoftPLC
- AC Connector Set
- AC Power Supply
- AC microSD
- Raspbian Linux (not preinstalled)
- Optional CODESYS® SoftPLC
Technical Data
Function | Standard-Equipment | ||
Microprozessor | |||
CPU | Broadcom BCM2712, Quad Core Cortex®-A76, 64-bit SoC @2.4 GHz 4K @60 fps HEVC-Decoder OpenGL ES 3.1 graphics, Vulkan 1.2 | ||
Memory | |||
LPDDR4-RAM | 2 GByte, optional 4 GByte/8 GByte | ||
eMMC* | 16 GByte optional 32 GByte and 64 GByte | ||
EEPROM | 4 kByte | ||
SD Card | 1x microSD Card Slot for data | ||
Communication | |||
Ethernet | 1x 1 Gbit/s, 1x 10/100 Mbit/s | ||
USB | 2x 2.0 Host, 1x 2.0 OTG: only to program eMMC | ||
I/O | up to 28x GPIO, 5x UART, 5x I²C, 5x SPI, 4x PWM, 1x SDIO, M.2 B-KEY 3042 (PCIe 1-lane Host, Gen 2 (5 Gbps) | ||
DIO | 4x DIO (24 V/up to 800 mA) | ||
Serial | 1x RS232, 1x RS485 (Modbus-capable) | ||
CAN | 1x CAN 2.0B/FD | ||
WLAN/BLuetooth | 2.4 GHz/5.0 GHz IEEE 802.11b/g/n/ac wireless / BT 5.0, BL | ||
Display/Touch | |||
LCD/Camera-Interface | 1x MIPI 4-lane (DSI or CSI-2) 1x HDMI 2.0 (up to 4K @60 fps – HDMI-Socket) 1x HDMI 2.0 (up to 4K @60 fps – 40 pol. FFC) | ||
Touch | via I²C or USB | ||
Other | |||
Power supply | 24 V DC ±20% | ||
Power consumption | TBD | ||
Temperature range | TBD | ||
Operating system | Raspbian, Linux (not preinstalled) | ||
Form factor | 105.5 x 69.6 mm (4.3”) | ||
External RTC | 1x on Baseboard | ||
RTC-Buffering | CR2032 | ||
Debug | 1x Console | ||
Expansion plug | M.2 B-Key, Raspberry Pi GPIO-Header 40-Pin | ||
Approvals | |||
Security | |||
Hardware Options Compute Module 5 | Secure boot, hard disk encryption CM5 complies with strict EU regulations ETSI EN 303 645 and EN 18031 for Cyber security Standards, with documentation and support for the definition of levels of cybersecurity standards, as defined in ISO 14508 | ||
*When using eMMC, booting from SD card is not possible |

BL Pi-Tron CM4
Compute Module 4 your performance boost
- Broadcom BCM2711, 4x Arm® Cortex-A72, 64-bit SoC @1.5 GHz
- Up to 8 GB LPDDR4-RAM
- Suitable for CODESYS® SoftPLC
- AC Connector Set
- AC Power Supply
- AC microSD
- Raspbian Linux (not preinstalled)
- Optional CODESYS® SoftSPS
Technical Data
Function | Standard Equipment | ||
Microprocessor | |||
CPU | Broadcom BCM2711, 4x Arm® Cortex®-A72, 64-bit SoC @1.5 GHz, H.265 (HEVC) up to 4Kp60 decode, H.264 up to 1080p decode, 1080p30 encode, OpenGL ES 3.1, Vulkan 1.0 | ||
Memory | |||
LPDDR4-RAM | 2 GByte optional 1 GByte, 4 GByte, 8 GByte | ||
eMMC* | 16 GByte optional Lite/ 8 GByte/ 32 GByte (lite: without eMMC only with microSD Card) | ||
EEPROM | 4 kB | ||
SD Card | CM4 Lite: 1x microSD Card Slot for Operating System, CM4 8 GByte, 16 GByte, 32 GByte: 1x microSD Card Slot for data | ||
Communication | |||
Ethernet | 1x 1 Gbit/s, 2x 10/100 Mbit/s | ||
USB | 2x 2.0 Host, 1x 2.0 OTG: only to program eMMC | ||
I/O | 28x GPIO, supports up to 5x UART, 5x I2C, 5x SPI, 2x PWM, 1x SDIO (4 Bit), M.2 B-Key 3042 (PCIe 1-lane Host, Gen 2 (5 Gbps)) | ||
DIO | 4x DIO (24 V/up to 800 mA) | ||
Serial | 1x RS232, 1x RS485 (Modbus capable) | ||
CAN | 1x CAN 2.0B/FD | ||
WLAN/Bluetooth® | Optional 2.4 GHz/5.0 GHz IEEE 802.11b/g/n/ac wireless BT 5.0, BLE | ||
Display/Touch | |||
LCD interface | 1x DSI 2-lane (up to 1 Gbit/s per lane - Rpi-DSI0 22 pol.), 1x DSI 4-lane (up to 1 Gbit/s per lane - DSI1 40 pol. FFC), 1x HDMI 2.0 (up to 4Kp60 - HDMI0), 1x HDMI (HDMI1 - 40 pol. FFC) | ||
Touch | 1x I2C, 1x USB | ||
Camera interface | 1x CSI 2-lane (MIPI Rpi-CSI0 22 pol.) | ||
Other | |||
Power supply | 24 V DC ±20 % | ||
Power consumption | 3.4 W ... 9.6 W | ||
Temperature range | 0 °C…+55 °C, ambient, non condensing | ||
Operating system | Raspbian Linux (not preinstalled) | ||
Form factor | 105.5 x 69.6mm | ||
External RTC | 1x on Baseboard | ||
RTC buffering | CR2032 | ||
Debug | 1x Console | ||
Expansion plug | 1x M.2, Raspberry Pi GPIO Header 40 Pin | ||
Approvals | CE | ||
*When using eMMC memory, booting from the SD-Card is not possible |

Pi-Tron CM3+
Industrial Raspberry Pi
- Broadcom BCM 2837B0 4x Arm® Cortex-A53 @1.2 GHz
- 3D Video Engine, 1 GB LPDDR2-RAM
- Suitable for CODESYS® SoftPLC
- AC Connector Set
- AC Power Supply
- AC microSD
- Raspbian Linux (not preinstalled)
- Optional CODESYS® SoftSPS
Technical Data
Function | Standard Equipment |
Microprocessor | |
CPU | Broadcom BCM2837B0 4x Arm® Cortex®-A53 @1.2 GHz, 3D Video Engine |
Memory | |
eMMC* | 32 GB optional Lite / 8 GB (Lite ohne eMMC only with microSD card |
SD-Card | Compute Module CM3+ Lite, 1x microSD card slot for operating systems |
FRAM | 2 kB (16 kbit) |
Communication | |
Ethernet | 2x 10/100 Mbit/s |
USB | 2x 2.0 Host |
I/O | 28x GPIO supports up to 2x UART, 2x I2C, 2x SPI, 2x PWM, 1x SDIO (4 Bit) |
DIO | 4x DIO (24 V/up to 800 mA) |
Serial | 1x RS232, 1x RS485 |
CAN | 1x CAN 2.0B |
Display/Touch | |
LCD interface | 1x DSI 2-lane (up to 1 Gbit/s per lane - Rpi-DSI1) 1x Micro-HDMI 1.3a up to 1080p @30 fps |
Touch | 1x I2C, 1x USB |
Camera interface | 1x CSI 2-lane (up to 1 Gbit/s per lane - MIPI Rpi-CSI1) |
Other | |
Power supply | 24 V DC ±20 % |
Power consumption | 3.4 W…9.6 W (without peripherals) |
Temperature range | 0 °C…+55 °C, ambient, non condensing |
Operating system | Raspbian Linux (not preinstalled) |
Form factor | 105.5 x 67 mm (4.3“) |
External RTC | 1x on Baseboard |
RTC buffering | CR1220 |
Debug | 1x Console |
Expansion plug | Raspberry Pi 40-Pin GPIO Header |

PiXtend® V2 -L- Pi 4
Powerful and industrially compatible
⦁ Broadcom BCM 2711, Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
⦁ Retain memory 64 Bytes Flash EEPROM
⦁ Suitable for CODESYS® SoftPLC
⦁ AC Connector Set
⦁ AC Power Supply
⦁ AC microSD
⦁ Raspbian Linux
⦁ Optional CODESYS® V3 SoftPLC
⦁ C
⦁ Python
Technical Data
Function | PIXTEND® V2-L-PI 4 | PIXTEND® V2-L- | |
CPU | Broadcom BCM 2711, Raspberry Pi 4 Model B | Broadcom BCM 2837B0, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ | |
Hardware | |||
Power Supply | 24 V DC ±20 % | 24 V DC ±20 % | |
Retain-/Remanence memory | 64 Bytes Flash EEPROM | 64 Bytes Flash EEPROM | |
Real Time Clock (RTC) | With battery buffering | With battery buffering | |
Temperature- and Air Humidity | Up to 4 DHT11, DHT22, AM2302 | Up to 4 DHT11, DHT22, AM2302 | |
CAN Bus | 1x ** | 1x ** | |
RS232 | 1x * | 1x * | |
RS485 | 1x *, Modbus RTU capable | 1x *, Modbus RTU capable | |
Digital inputs (DI) | 16x 3,3 / 5 / 12 / 24 V | 16x 3,3 / 5 / 12 / 24 V | |
Digital outputs (DO) | 12x PNP 5 / 12 / 24 V, 0,5 A | 12x PNP 5 / 12 / 24 V, 0,5 A | |
Analog voltage outputs (AI-U) | 4x 0...5 V, 0...10 V, 10 Bit | 4x 0...5 V, 0...10 V, 10 Bit | |
Analog current inputs (AI-I) | 2x 0...20 mA, 10 Bit | 2x 0...20 mA, 10 Bit | |
Analog voltage outputs (AO) | 2x 0...10 V, 10 Bit | 2x 0...10 V, 10 Bit | |
Relais | 4x, max. 230 V / 6 A | 4x, max. 230 V / 6 A | |
PWM-/Servo outputs | 6x, 16 Bit resolution, 5 V | 6x, 16 Bit resolution, 5 V | |
GPIO | 4x 5 V GPIO | 4x 5 V GPIO | |
Interfaces and I/Os | Short circuit proof, supply with reverse polarity and overload protection (self-resetting safety device) | Short circuit proof, supply with reverse polarity and overload protection (self-resetting safety device) | |
Max. temperature range | 0 °C…+50 °C | 0 °C…+50 °C | |
Dimension without housing | 236.3 x 101.8 x 27 mm | 236.3 x 101.8 x 27 mm | |
Top hat rail housing | Aluminium | Aluminium | |
Extension Board & Basic | 1 B+, 2 B, 3 B, 3 B+, 4 B | 1 B+, 2 B, 3 B, 3 B+, 4 B | |
*RS232 and RS485 cannot be operated simultaneously | |||
**CAN interfaces and analog outputs cannot be used together |
Software Downloads
PiXtend® -V2- Software Downloads | |||||
Name | Version | Datum | Software | Readme | Info |
SD Cards, CODESYS® setup & supporting files | -.- | -.- | Link | -.- | -.- |
C Library and Linux Tools (pxdev) | 0.5.8 | 2021-06-22 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
PiXtend® Python Library -V2- | 0.1.4 | 2021-06-01 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
FHEM Module | 1.3.0 | 2021-10-26 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
Node-RED | 0.1.3 | 2021-09-09 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
CODESYS® - PiXtend® -V2_ Target | 2.1.8 | 2021-06-24 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
PiXtend® V1.x legacy files | -.- | -.- | Link | -.- | -.- |

PiXtend® V2 -S- Pi 4
Fast, reliable and connection friendly
- Broadcom BCM 2711, Raspberry Pi 4 Model B
- Retain memory 32 Bytes Flash EEPROM
- Suitable for CODESYS® SoftPLC
- AC Connector Set
- AC Power Supply
- AC microSD
- Raspbian Linux
- Optional CODESYS® SoftPLC
- C
- Python
Technical Data
Function | PIXTEND® V2-S-PI 4 | PIXTEND® V2-S- | |
CPU | Broadcom BCM 2711, Raspberry Pi 4 Model B | Broadcom BCM 2837B0, Raspberry Pi 3 Model B+ | |
Hardware | |||
Power Supply | 24 V DC ±20 % | 24 V DC ±20 % | |
Retain-/Remanence memory | 32 Bytes Flash EEPROM | 32 Bytes Flash EEPROM | |
Real Time Clock (RTC) | With battery buffering | With battery buffering | |
Temperature- and Air Humidity | Up to 4 DHT11, DHT22, AM2302 | Up to 4 DHT11, DHT22, AM2302 | |
RS232 | 1x | 1x | |
RS485 | Via USB-Dongle | Via USB-Dongle | |
Digital inputs (DI) | 8x 3.3 / 5 / 12 / 24 V | 8x 3.3 / 5 / 12 / 24 V | |
Digital outputs (DO) | 4x PNP 5 / 12 / 24 V, 0.5 A | 4x PNP 5 / 12 / 24 V, 0.5 A | |
Analog voltage inputs (AI-U) | 2x 0...5 V, 0...10 V, 10 Bit | 2x 0...5 V, 0...10 V, 10 Bit | |
Analoge voltage outputs (AO) | 2x 0...10 V, 10 Bit | 2x 0...10 V, 10 Bit | |
Relais | 4x, max. 230 V / 6 A | 4x, max. 230 V / 6 A | |
PWM-/Servo outputs | 2x 16 Bit, 2x 8 Bit Auflösung, 5 V | 2x 16 Bit, 2x 8 Bit Auflösung, 5 V | |
GPIO | 4x 5 V GPIO | 4x 5 V GPIO | |
Interfaces und I/Os | Short circuit proof, supply with reverse polarity and overload protection (self-resetting safety device | Short circuit proof, supply with reverse polarity and overload protection (self-resetting safety device) | |
Max. temperature range | 0 °C…+50 °C | 0 °C…+50 °C | |
Dimension without housing | 166.3 x 101.8 x 27 mm | 166.3 x 101.8 x 27 mm | |
Top hat rail housing | Aluminium | Aluminium | |
Supported RPI models | 1 B+, 2 B, 3 B, 3 B+, 4 B | 1 B+, 2 B, 3 B, 3 B+, 4 B |
Software Downloads
PiXtend® -V2- Software Downloads | |||||
Name | Version | Datum | Software | Readme | Info |
SD Cards, CODESYS® setup & supporting files | -.- | -.- | Link | -.- | -.- |
C Library and Linux Tools (pxdev) | 0.5.8 | 2021-06-22 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
PiXtend® Python Library -V2- | 0.1.4 | 2021-06-01 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
FHEM Module | 1.3.0 | 2021-10-26 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
Node-RED | 0.1.3 | 2021-09-09 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
CODESYS® - PiXtend® -V2_ Target | 2.1.8 | 2021-06-24 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
PiXtend® V1.x legacy files | -.- | -.- | Link | -.- | -.- |

PiXtend® V2 - L-
Fast, reliable and connection friendly
- Broadcom BCM 2837B0, Raspberry Pi Model 3B+
- Retain memory 64 Bytes Flash EEPROM
- Suitable for CODESYS® SoftPLC
- AC Connector Set
- AC Power Supply
- AC microSD
- Raspbian Linux
- Optional CODESYS® V3 SoftSPS
- C
- Python
Technical Data
Hardware | PiXtend® V2 -L- |
Power supply | 24 V DC ±20 % |
Retain-/Remanence memory | 64 Bytes Flash EEPROM |
Real Time Clock (RTC) | With battery buffering |
Temperature- and Air Humidity Sensors | Up to 4 DHT11, DHT22, AM2302 |
CAN Bus | 1x ** |
RS232 | 1x * |
RS485 | 1x *, Modbus RTU capable |
Digital inputs (DI) | 16x 3.3 / 5 / 12 / 24 V |
Digital outputs (DO) | 12x PNP 5 / 12 / 24 V, 0.5A |
Analogue voltage inputs (AI-U) | 4x 0…5 V, 0…10 V, 10 Bit |
Analogue current inputs (AI-I) | 2x 0…20 mA, 10 Bit |
Analogue outputs (AO) | 2x 0…10 V, 10 Bit |
Relais | 4x, max. 230 V / 6 A |
PWM-/Servo outputs | 6x, 16 Bit resolution, 5 V |
GPIO | 4x 5 V GPIO |
Interfaces and I/Os | Short circuit proof, supply with reverse polarity and overload protection (self-resetting safety device) |
Maximum temperature range | 0 °C…+50 °C |
Dimension without housing | 236.3 x 101.8 x 27 mm |
Top hat rail housing | Aluminium |
Supported RPI models | 1 B+, 2 B, 3 B, 3 B+, 4 B (Extension Board & Basic) |
Software | |
Short cycle times | 5 ms (200 Hz) |
Support for: | CODESYS® V3, C- and Python Library, FHEM, Node-RED |
*RS232 and RS485 cannot be operated simultaneously | |
**CAN interfaces and analogue outputs (AO) cannot be used together |
Software Downloads
PiXtend® -V2- Software Downloads | |||||
Name | Version | Datum | Software | Readme | Info |
SD Cards, CODESYS® setup & supporting files | -.- | -.- | Link | -.- | -.- |
C Library and Linux Tools (pxdev) | 0.5.8 | 2021-06-22 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
PiXtend® Python Library -V2- | 0.1.4 | 2021-06-01 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
FHEM Module | 1.3.0 | 2021-10-26 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
Node-RED | 0.1.3 | 2021-09-09 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
CODESYS® - PiXtend® -V2_ Target | 2.1.8 | 2021-06-24 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
PiXtend® V1.x legacy files | -.- | -.- | Link | -.- | -.- |

PiXtend® V2 -S-
Fast, reliable and connection friendly
- Broadcom BCM 2837B0, Raspberry Pi Model 3B+
- Retain memory 32 Bytes Flash EEPROM
- Suitable for CODESYS® SoftPLC
- AC Connector Set
- AC Power Supply
- AC microSD
- Raspbian Linux
- Optional CODESYS® SoftSPS
- C
- Python
Technical Data
Hardware | PiXtend® V2 -S- |
Power supply | 24 V DC ±20 % |
Retain-/Remanence memory | 32 Bytes Flash EEPROM |
Real Time Clock (RTC) | With battery buffering |
Temperature- and Air Humidity Sensors | Up to four DHT11, DHT22, AM2302 |
RS232 | 1x |
RS485 | via USB-Dongle |
Digital inputs (DI) | 8x 3.3 / 5 / 12 / 24 V |
Digital outputs (DO) | 4x PNP 5 / 12 / 24 V, 0.5A |
Analogue voltage inputs (AI) | 2x 0…10 V, 10 Bit |
Analogue voltage outputs (AO) | 2x 0…10 V, 10 Bit |
Relais | 4x, max. 230 V / 6 A |
PWM-/Servo outputs | 2x 16 Bit, 2x 8 Bit resolution, 5 V |
GPIO | 4x 5 V GPIO |
Interfaces and I/Os | Short circuit proof, supply with reverse polarity and overload protection (self-resetting safe device) |
Maximum temperature range | 0 °C…+50 °C |
Dimension- without housing | 166.3 x 101.8 x 27 mm |
Top hat rail housing | Aluminium |
Supported RPI models | 1 B+, 2 B, 3 B, 3 B+, 4 B (Extension Board & Basic) |
Software |
Short cycle times | 2.5 ms (400 Hz) |
Support for: | CODESYS® V3, C- and Python Library, FHEM, Node-RED |
Software Downloads
PiXtend® -V2- Software Downloads | |||||
Name | Version | Datum | Software | Readme | Info |
SD Cards, CODESYS® setup & supporting files | -.- | -.- | Link | -.- | -.- |
C Library and Linux Tools (pxdev) | 0.5.8 | 2021-06-22 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
PiXtend® Python Library -V2- | 0.1.4 | 2021-06-01 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
FHEM Module | 1.3.0 | 2021-10-26 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
Node-RED | 0.1.3 | 2021-09-09 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
CODESYS® - PiXtend® -V2_ Target | 2.1.8 | 2021-06-24 | Repo | README.md | CHANGELOG.md |
PiXtend® V1.x legacy files | -.- | -.- | Link | -.- | -.- |